Beauty Switch by Oge

Best Lipstick Tips

The spring makeup look on everybody’s lips: bold color. Here’s how to get brights right and make the most of your mouth.

Just as bright paint looks best on primed walls, most  lipstick is enhanced by a soft, smooth pout.
Treat your mouth as you would the rest of your face: Moisturize and protect it. Choose a balm with an SPF of at least 15, and reapply often. “We lick our lips constantly, and that can strip moisture just like frequent hand washing can. If your lips are chronically red and dry, try applying a moisturizing lip treatment, such as vaseline, shea butter populary known as [ ORI ] or any good lip balm do that after your nightly cleansing. And exfoliate with a gentle scrub, such as Fresh Sugar but only three times a week and any more and you could irritate this fragile skin.



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